Kategória: Diétás főzőcske

Teriyaki Marhahus

Itteni kedvenc etelfele, amellett hogy finom, egeszseges is.

Teriyaki Beef

1 Tablespoon Olive Oil

1 clove Garlic, crushed

1 Brown Onion, sliced

1 teaspoon Ginger, grated

1 teaspoon Chilli, chopped

500g Rump Steak, trimmed and sliced

15 Snow Peas, chopped in half

3 stalks Celery, sliced

3 Baby Bok Choy, quartered

1 cup Bean Sprouts

1/2 cup Teriyaki Sauce

1 Tablespoon Sesame Seeds


1. Heat oil in a wok or large frying pan. Add garlic, onion, ginger and chilli, cook until onion is translucent.

2. Add the steak to pan and stir fry for 2-3 minutes until browned.

3. Stir in the sauce and sesame seeds, cook for another 1 minute.

4. Add snow peas, celery, baby bok choy and bean sprouts, stir through and the serve. The heat will cook the vegetables. If you prefer your vegetables cooked more you can cook another minute, but you might like to read this first.

5. If desired, serve with brown rice or noodles.

Why it is so good for you

This is a good balanced meal. The steak can be trimmed of fat and the abundance of vegetables gives a balance of nutrition. By stirring through the vegetables at the last minute they keep their nutrients intact. The crunchier the vegetables, the better it is for you.

Serves 4
(A cikket beküldte: Brizzy)

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